How To Maximize Your Networking to Elevate Your Success
Women that have risen to the top of their careers have done so strategically. They have focused on their value and strengths as a business woman and have built relationships that have supported them in their growth. Knowing how to build extraordinary relationships and network effectively is an incredibly powerful career tool and is not a matter of luck. Done right, networking lets women find mentors, gain valuable business advice, expand business opportunities and elevate success. Successful people spend at minimum 20 percent of their time developing genuine relationships that create a strong, strategic network.
Think about your circle of influence and the relationships that you have. How are you bringing in business and expanding your career? Is networking really an important part of that?
Here are 3 ways you can develop your Network to Elevate your Success:
1. Be Intentional About Your Networking: To be successful, you must be intentional about the way you network. It is quality, not quantity. Find a valuable tribe that will not only bring you referrals and opportunities, but will provide support, encouragement and guidance. It’s showing up and saying, “How can I help you? What specifically do you need? And how can I be active in going that next step to support you with that?” You should be connecting, collaborating and consciously supporting each other’s success.
2. Focus and be Clear on Your Value: Attracting powerful relationships requires you to show up as your best and most authentic self and be clear on who you are and what value you bring and what makes you unique. (what is your Purposeful Pitch?) Be precise about what constitutes a good referral and business opportunity for you.
3. Create Alignment: Engage in meaningful conversations and find commonality with the person you are engaging with. People do business with people, they know, like and trust. Ask questions that show interest. Leave a lasting impression by being genuinely interested in who they are, what they do and how you can make an impact.
It’s time to take inspired action and align yourself with a valuable network of women that are supporting your growth and success. Get a ROI on your networking by intentionally creating success in 2020 and expand your positive circle of influence.