To be able to get along well with others, work well with others, live well with others and create a life of happiness and abundance-you must be a good communicator.  Good communication skills help deliver a clear, concise message and motivates and inspires people to create the desired change. Research conducted by the Carnegie Institute of Technology revealed that a surprising 15 percent of financial success comes from knowledge or technical skills. The other 85 percent? Your ability to effectively communicate, negotiate, and lead in the manner of both speaking and listening.

So, it is effective communication, which makes leaders able to lead successfully and lead a life of abundance.

Let’s talk about we can Effectively Communicate to Create Positive Change as a Leader: 


1.       Have something worth saying. What is your message? Speak with a Purpose.

2.       Say it well.  Clear, concise, consistent and confident.  Words have power so translate your message with carefully chosen, few words, in the right manner so it can make an impact. Say less better.

3.       Read your audience. You have to be  good listener to be a good  communicator.  Listen more/speak less and pay attention to what the audience is "telling" you.  Read what you see, feel and hear so you can adjust your delivery. Get some feedback and confirm the message you are receiving is correct.     

4.       Intensity. The spirit, power, authenticity and emotion you put behind your words sends a powerful message and can make a lasting impression.  Words can be powerful mixed with emotion and desire.  Are you being authentic to your words, delivery style and message?  Do your words come from your heart? 

5.       Identification. Build a bridge between you and somebody else by finding something in common.  Find commonality and connection with who you are speaking to. People do business with people they know, like and trust, so identify with your audience and make it sincere.  

6.       Awareness. Be mindful of how you are communicating in general. Think of the different ways you communicate on a daily basis and the messages they send. Be mindful of their effectiveness and, of course, if it is necessary and kind. If you are positive and communicate positivity, you will attract more of that into your life.

Now it's time to start practicing. Practice listening more and saying less better. You don’t have to say much.  More importantly as a leader, let your reputation preceed you and be the best person you can be in all areas of your life.


Try out your Purposeful Pitch to start building your audience and business through your unique message.

Click Here to Create Your Most Powerful Message and start making your desired impact to live the life you deserve.