Listen To Your Inner Self to Improve Your Health and Wealth
Most people are torn between listening to their ego, their minds, their emotions or their true self. Learning how to pay attention to your inner voice will bring you clarity and guidance in all areas of your life. Hearing this voice requires self awareness and inner focus. It requires turning your attention away from the chatter of your mind and the stimulation of the outside world to the subtle messages of your consciousness.. It requires you to go inside and make friendship with your self. Try these tips to develop this inner connection that can keep you Happy, Healthy and Wise.
*Be silent. Quieting your mind and reducing the mental chatter will allow you to listen to your inner voice. Sit in meditation (or quietness) for a minimum 10 minutes per day. Just allow your mind to be empty of all worries, thoughts and desires. Have no expectations. Simply observe what comes and let it all go. Holding on to nothing.
*Tune in consciously. Pay attention to what your self (and intuition) is telling you. The answers and messages are all in and around you-it is up to you to listen. Your inner voice will guide you in the right direction for own health, peace and happiness. It will help you make decisions that are in alignment with the core of who you are.
*Trust your self. Developing this relationship with your inner self is the key to hearing its wisdom. Trust these messages, they are subtle but powerful. Follow your gut-these inner feeling and sensations are your trustworthy signs to guide you on your own personal journey to health, happiness and success.
You were gifted with this inner “knowingness” and by building a relationship of trust with this voice, it can lead to an empowered life filled with your desired outcomes.
Today is the Day to Start Tapping into your Inner Power!
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Albert Einstein said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it,”