How To Create Conscious Success
A success consciousness is a state of mind in which you cannot see yourself as anything else but a success. Conscious Success doesn’t happen by accident. It takes awareness, commitment and focus. When you start anything with success consciousness, you will be guided to think the thoughts and do the actions that will bring success.
Conscious success also means living an Authentic life that is in alignment with who you are and what you want out of life.
Success is a very personal choice. It truly is what makes you feel happy and complete. So, let’s start with you and your meaning of Success! What does success look like, feel like, sound like, taste like? What is your true definition of success in every sense? And how does it relate to the main areas of your life?
Take a moment to write down what comes to you right now! Ask yourself 5 times and write down the answer. (what is your definition of success. What is your definition of success…..5 times!) You can ask yourself that in each area of your life as well. Besides the intuitive answers that lay deep within, there are other ways to access your relationship with success right now and evaluate how it is showing up in your life.
The Conscious Success Model provides a useful framework for exploring success as it relates to you. The foundation of this Model is built around PURPOSE, SELF AWARENESS and SOCIAL AWARENESS.
Your Purpose
Why am I here? Having a stated purpose for your life helps to give you inner strength, guidance and a sense of control. A specific purpose helps you to align your actions to achieving conscious success. (It is also the perfect place to start when you are designing your Empowered Action Plan for achieving your goals and dreams!)
Are your actions aligned with your Purpose?
Self-awareness allows you to separate yourself from what’s happening around you and to identify your thoughts, feelings, physical state, and belief systems. When you are aware of your inner state, it makes it easier to act on purpose. Write out your core values and major beliefs. To be true to yourself you need to know who you are and what you stand for.
Identify why certain emotions are consistently showing up and possibly holding you back. What other feelings, thoughts and actions can you replace them with to set yourself up for success?
(Warning-Often the behaviors that irritate you are mirrors of your own life!)
We have an impact on everyone we meet. How is your “success” showing up? How do you impact others? What is your overall desired result based on who I am, my purpose, and who I want to be? A perfect way to identify how you are showing up is to ask others for feedback. Practicing introspection will also give you the personal feedback to continue to adjust your actions to the desired result.
Starting with what success means to you, getting clear with your core values and beliefs and identifying if we are consciously living in alignment with our intentions is a powerful way to set you up for a meaningful life. Simply understanding want you truly want helps guide you to make better decisions whether it be career choices, people you want to surround yourself with and places you want to go. If you want to achieve your definition of success-now it’s time to have a genuine success consciousness and begin to Believe you can Achieve-because you can!
DO YOU HAVE A DEFINITION OF SUCCESS? Share with us! We would love to hear!
My Definition of Success Is: To feel fulfilled, abundant and at peace mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally by sharing my life purpose which is enlightening and empowering people (and businesses) to find their true purpose and fulfill their dreams so we can make the world a better place for us to live now and for those to come.